party down with Quiana Parler and Friends...
After years on the road, Quiana has returned home to Charleston and assembled an incredible group of players and singers chosen from the top tier of South Carolina's musical elite. Her's is an exciting and interactive band, but also a group with deep-rooted musical sophistication. Their song list is extremely diverse, featuring the musical history of the past 50 years. Quiana Parler and Friends travels all across the USA and abroad for weddings, corporate and social clients, entertaining folks who just want to have fun. Quiana's high powered performance band has captured rave reviews with their raw energy and endless enthusiasm. Quiana has taken the crowd-pleasing formula of her extensive professional experience and combined it with a soul-stirring group of musicians for a combination that's simply outstanding.
From Jazz and Pop, to R&B and Rock & Roll, this is one performer you don't want to miss!
Whether you're planning a wedding, a birthday party, or a corporate event, if you're looking for the most memorable entertainment possible, there's no one better! If you are planning a wedding, be sure you check out our wedding resources.
Then reach out, to book Quiana for your next event!